In order to promote self-reliance, enhance quality of life and provide economic well-being for the San Carlos Tribal members, Triplet Mountain Communications, Inc. will provide high quality, reliable, competitively priced, essential telecommunications services to our members, customers, and advanced services where justifiable.
We will create and operate in an environment based on open communication, mutual respect and established trust.
We will strive to provide in both a professional and fulling manner, while also providing employment and growth opportunities for all our Tribal members.
We will operate our company to support and achieve the financial goals of the Tribe, Utility and all its members, all the while carrying out our shared mission.
When I moved to Superior ten years ago, wireless broadband choices were limited to satellite companies with limited speeds…and a small wireless provider. The challenge: neither one of these providers met [my] bandwidth demands as a homeowner…and [as a small business owner]. Now, having wireless broadband service from TMCI, I can brag to my technical friends and family…in Phoenix Metro [that] my broadband service meets or exceeds theirs.
-Hank Gutierrez, Ubiquity Telecommunications & Project Management, Inc.

Triplet Mountain Communications, Inc. Fixed Wireless service uses field proven, industry leading, manufactures, providing options to meet residential and business needs. We offer solutions for secure and reliable internet with available dedicated, higher speed, point-to-point service.
Backed by carrier grade, redundant, fiber optic transport, TMCI’s network is second to none offering secure, scalable, and dependable connections, with assurance that your connection will be available when you need it.
Triplet Mountain Communications, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of San Carlos Apache Telecommunications Utility, Inc. The San Carlos Apache Tribe established SCATUI (pronounced ‘skŭ-tü-ē) by tribal resolution on March 8, 1994. The tribe’s main objective was to develop, own, finance, construct and operate a telecommunications company to provide quality services for its members. In 1995, SCATUI was able to purchase the US WEST (Qwest-CenturyLink) telephone exchange that served the communities of the San Carlos Apache Reservation. The exchange included 607 access lines (customers) that provided service to only 28% of the total number of residents and businesses on the reservation. TMCI was incorporated by the San Carlos Apache Tribe to operate and provide telecommunication services off the reservation.